Cyber Security

Open Platform to train and skill the next generation cyber security and artificial intelligence professionals.

Smart City Simulator

Cyberange Smart City Simulator (SCS) is an open platform based on cyber-physical system and is designed for schools, universities and training companies. Combined with simulation platform where sector-specific scenarios can be recreated to understand the impact of cyber attacks in real-world organizations, Cyberange allows you to practice latest attack vectors by using special virtual machines that are intentionally designed with vulnerabilities and technical challenges reflecting real-world deployments.

Using Cyberange, the workforce can be trained on various cybersecurity subjects such as Penetration Testing, Reverse Engineering, Web Application Security, Exploitation, Crime Prevention through Environment Design, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, and Smart Cities Security. The program has Digital forensics and threat intelligence simulation module for the Security Operations Center (SOC) Simulation.

Architecture of Smart City Simulator

Defence Sector

Threat Intelligence

Forensics & Investigation

Cyber Security and IoT Stack

Artificial Intelligence Stack

Defence Sector

Defence Sector

Defence Sector

Defence Sector
